Living on the streets in Barcelona: interviews

The report Living on the streets in Barcelona. Analysis of a homeless city has been carried out based on interviews with more than 1,400 people over the last four years (2016-2019) and based on the reflections of people who have lived on the streets and professionals in the sector. Read them!

interviews with people who have lived on the street

“I was tired of struggling to survive every day”

Juan Verdón, has lived on the street for more than 15 years.

Read the interview.

“Having an apartment solves 50% of the problem”

Davide Andreoli, has lived on the street for more than 8 years.

Read the interview.

“Living on the streets is hard, but for women it is even harder”

Úrsula Alonso (fictitious name), has lived on the street for more than 8 years.

Read the interview.

Interviews with social professionals

“When you end up on the street, you soon realise that the homelessness support services in Barcelona have many shortcomings”

Gemma Gassó and Bob Walker, Arrels’ outreach team case workers.

Read the interview.

“Being on a street situation is more than losing your job or not having a home”

Marta Maynou, in charge of Arrels Fundations’s Host programme.

Read the interview.

“Being on the streets increases mortality in men and women by a factor of 7 and 11, respectively”

Doctor Daniel Roca, general practitioner at the Centre d’Atenció Primària Drassanes and at the Centre d’Atenció Sociosanitària-Sala Baluard, in the neighbourhood of El Raval.

Read the interview.