
Homeless people’s handwriting turned into typeface

Fonts which have plenty to say

Each font is unique, as each one of us. That’s why we’ve created these typefaces from the handwriting of Barcelona’s homeless people. These fonts have history and its own personality. One can also use them to help the 2,600 homeless people that we help each year. Another initiative to add until achieving our goal: #nobodysleepingonthestreet!

Learn about the project >

What can one do with this typeface?

Advertisements, panels, school projects, a blog… in the majority of designs, in all levels, typefaces are used. Homelessfonts.org aimed at two different target publics. On one side, people who wish to use typefaces for one’s own use –like documents, reports, designs and marketing with limited edition prints-, and on the other side, to professionals who need an advertising and business purposes –adds, corporative material, web sites, etc…-.

What can one do with this typeface?

Advertisements, panels, school projects, a blog… in the majority of designs, in all levels, typefaces are used. Homelessfonts.org aimed at two different target publics. On one side, people who wish to use typefaces for one’s own use –like documents, reports, designs and marketing with limited edition prints-, and on the other side, to professionals who need an advertising and business purposes –adds, corporative material, web sites, etc…-.

How do I get a Homelessfont font?

One can see and buy typefaces and user licence at Homelessfonts.org. You’ll see that there are two format types: for personal and for professional use. When someone acquires a typeface, an email will be sent to that person to download it within 48 hours.

How do I install the typeface into my computer?

  1. Open the file containing the typeface.
  2. Double click the .ttf file of the typeface.
  3. Press the button “Install” in Windows, or “Install font” in Mac OS, in the typeface viewing window.
  4. You installed the typeface! From now on you could use it in your editing and design programs.

If you have any doubts, you can ask us at hello@homelessfonts.org.

Who’s behind each typeface?

There are more than 4,800 homeless people in Barcelona. Today, a 1,000 of them will sleep rough. Loraine, Luis, Francisco, Gemma, Guillermo,… are some of those people who lived in the streets and who gave us their calligraphy to make Homelessfonts possible.

Look for all our typefaces at Homelessfonts.org.

We need you!

Homelessfonts is a living project with more and more people are involved every day. Right now we need:

  • Typographers and designers to help us prepare new typefaces and who can collaborate with the project (contact: joinus@homelessfonts.org)
  • Companies that bet for HomelessFonts fonts for their trades, corporative materials, panels, web sites, etc… (contact: empreses@arrelsfundacio.org)

Eveyone can help

Are you interested? Join in! And if you have any doubts, you can contact us on hello@homelessfonts.org.